Club Name: Mise-en-scene

About The club

We all know that movie is one of the immense emotions shared throughout
the world. And Mise-en-scene acts as such an emotion in our college by being a film club. A Film Club is one such club that showcases the creative elegance of the college. Mise-en-scene will be that club which not only conveys the creative elegance but also acts as a social hub in our college.

Insta page : .

Aims and objectives
  • To encourage aspiring Auteurs and people interested in the fields related to filmmaking.
  • To create a community in our college which signify socializing among students and also to act as a social hub for participation.
  • To compete with other colleges and show them the creative aspect of our college.
  • To create awareness and provide training in new trends in filmmaking
  • To bring social awareness in our students regarding our history, social elements etc. Through various events and competitions.


  • Screening Classic films and conducting Discussions upon it.
  • Conducting a Three Day film fest by completely occupying those days with Movie Events.
  • Conducting various Pop Culture Events (Ex: Games, Quizzes, Discussions etc) related to Movies.
  • Conducting Interactive events such as Story Pitching and Movie Related Discussions.
  • Conducting and Participating in various Inter College Competitions.
  • Conducting competitions and Tutorials related to Filmmaking(Ex:Short Film Competitions ,Script Writing,Movie Decodings etc).

Core Team Members


Name and email id Role Image
Vundrajavarapu Maurya Babu (UG4)
Club Head
D Khadyothan Choudari (UG3)
Assistant Club Head
Boddu Sai Sampath (UG4)
Core member
Venna Vidya Sagar Reddy (UG2)
Core member
Akula Alekhya (UG2)
Core member