Bioinformatics Lab
Head: Dr. Chandra Mohan D

The Bioinformatics Research Lab aims to advance the development of cutting-edge
computational techniques for three primary objectives:

  • Disease Prediction: The lab focuses on building accurate predictive models that based on their genetic makeup, clinical data. The team utilizes Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Statistical Modeling techniques to analyze large-scale genomic and biomedical data. The goal is to identify early signs of disease.
  • Mutation Identification: In-depth analysis of genetic mutations that contribute to disease onset and progression is a key objective. By employing genomic sequencing data and advanced computational algorithms, the lab seeks to uncover mutations in DNA and RNA that are linked to various diseases, including cancer, neurological disorders, and
    viral infections.
  • Drug Candidates Generation: The lab also works on discovering novel drug candidates that can target disease pathways effectively. By using methods such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), Docking Simulations, and Molecular Dynamics, the team identifies and designs molecules with the potential to act as therapeutic agents. This involves screening large compound libraries, predicting protein-ligand interactions, and optimizing the molecules for better efficacy and minimal side effects. The primary focus is on diseases like cancer, viral infections (e.g., COVID-19), and other complex disorders.
No Name of Faculty Area of Specialization

Dr Chandra Mohan D

Bioinformatics, Machine and Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing

Sponsored Projects
No Title PI Duration Amount Funding Agency

DrCMDs Predictor: A novel system for Disease prediction, Mutated patterns discovery, and Drug
Candidates generation to combat viral diseases in Indian population

Dr Chandra Mohan D

October 2023 to
Sep 2025

13 Lakhs



Some works are "Under Process" based on this project under this project. Recent relavant
publications are

  • Dheeraj Kodati, Chandra Mohan Dasari. “Negative emotion detection on social media during the peak time of COVID-19 through deep learning with an auto-regressive transformer”. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2024 Jan 1;127:107361. (SCI-Q1, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 8.0)
  • Kaushik Bhargav Sivangi, Santhosh Amilpur, Chandra Mohan Dasari. “ReGen-DTI: A novel drug target interaction model for predicting potential drug candidates induced by generative network against SARS-COV2”. Computational Biology and Chemistry. Volume 106, October 2023, 107927. (SCIE-Q3, Elsiever, Impact Factor: 3.1).
  • L V S K B Kasyap Varanasi and Chandra Mohan Dasari. “ Deep Learning based techniques for Neuro-degenerative disorders detection”. 2023 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Volume 122, June 2023, 106103. (SCI-Q1, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 8.0).

Other Prominent Details

Mr. Arijit Bagdi is working as JRF in the project.