Dr. Raja Vara Prasad
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
306, 2nd Floor, Academic Building
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D [Wireless Sensor Networks], 2015
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India
Thesis Title: Modified IEEE 802.15.4 MAC with Integrated State Behaviour Model for High Density Traffic IoT Applications
Research Areas of Interest
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN), Protocols for Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twins, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Sensor Fusion: WSN and Computer Vision (CV)
Awards / Honours
- Excellence in Academics award in the year 2014 from IIT Hyderabad
- One among the 26 students selected from India to visit Japan under the “Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS)” program in 2012.
UAV based Autonomous Data Acquisition Systems
Accepted in the Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) of IIT Hyderabad in the area of "Autonomous Navigation and Data Acquisition systems"
Design and Fabrication of Autonomous Passenger Drone
Mar-2019 – March-22
Funded by CCBT, MeitY, Govt. of India
Digital Twin Modelling for Automation, Maintenance & Monitoring in Industry 4.0 Smart Factory [Co-PI]
Mar-2019 – March-2021
Indo-UK (UKIERI) scheme, funded by DST, 2019 Govt. of India
Sensors, Multi-hopping and Analytics - for Real-Time inter-connection of Village Wells (SMART Village Wells)[Co-PI]
Dec-2018 – Dec-2021
Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS) Program, Department of Science and Technology (DST) Govt. of India
Design of Dynamic Building Energy Management System Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources Considering Real Time Monitoring, Forecasting and Contextual Information
June-2017 – Dec-2022
Funded by IIIT Sri City, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Integrated Framework for Farmer Centric Agriculture Applications Using IoT Architectures. Charitha R, Kalpana P, Raja Vara Prasad Presented in IEEE ANTS , 2019. (Springer)
- LEDCOM: A Novel and Efficient LED Based Communication for Precision Agriculture. K V Sai Vineeth, Raja Vara Prasad Yerra, Shiv Ram Dubey and Hrishikesh Venkataraman. IEEE CICT, 2019.
- Dynamic route planning framework for minimal air pollution exposure in urban road transportation systems. B. Vamshi and Raja Vara Prasad,. IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), Singapore, 2018, pp. 540-545.
- Modeling and Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 Multi-hop Networks for IoT Applications. Kiran, M.P.R.S., Prasad, Y.R.V. & Rajalakshmi, P Wireless Personal Communications Journal, vol-97, issue-4, Springer - 2017.
- Performance analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer: Prospect for multi-hop networks. M. P. R. S. Kiran, Y. R. V. Prasad, V. Subrahmanyam and P. Rajalakshmi. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), Bangalore, 2016, pp. 1-6.
- Reliability and Delay Analysis of Slotted Anycast Multi-hop Wireless Networks Targeting Dense Traffic IoT Applications. Raja Vara Prasad Y, M.P.R.S. Kiran and Rajalakshmi P. IEEE communication Letters,vol.19, issue.5, pp. 727-730, May 2015.
- Analytical Model of Relay Node Integrating IEEE 802.15.4 MAC and Energy Conserving State Behaviour. Raja Vara Prasad Y, M.P.R.S. Kiran and Rajalakshmi P 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) , December, 2015 Hyderabad
- Neural Network Based Short Term Forecasting Engine to Optimize Energy and Big Data Storage Resources of Wireless Sensor Networks. Y. R. V. Prasad and R. Pachamuthu. IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference,pp. 511-516, Taichung, 2015.
- Real time Power Capping with Configurable Circuit Breaker to optimize Local Electricity Generation. Hiroyuki Ikegami, Raja Vara Prasad Y, Rajalakshmi P and Hiroshi Esaki. IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, pp. 505-510, Taichung, 2015.
Internet of Things (IoT) is an elective course offered to the third year ECE Under Graduate and Post Graduate students.
Computer and Communication Networks (CCN) : (Spring 2020)
Computer and Communication Networks (CCN) is a core course offered to the Fourth Semester Under Graduate students.
Embedded and Intelligent Systems (EIS): (Monsoon 2019)
Embedded and Intelligent Systems (EIS) course is a core course offered to the third Semester ECE Under Graduate and Post Graduate students.
Overview of Computers: (Monsoon 2019)
Overview of Computers course is a core course offered to the First Semester Under Graduate students.
Wireless networks (WN) : (Spring 2019)
Wireless networks (WN) is an elective course offered to the third year and Fourth year Under Graduate and Post Graduate students.
Measurements and Analysis for IoT (MA-IoT) : (Spring 2019)
Measurements and Analysis for IoT (MA-IoT) is an elective course offered to the third year and Fourth year Under Graduate and Post Graduate students.
Internet of Things (IoT) : (Monsoon 2018)
Internet of Things (IoT) is an elective course offered to the third and fourth year Under Graduate and Post Graduate students.
Contact Information
Address for Communication:
Room No. 306, 2nd Floor, Academic Building
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
630, Gnan Marg, Sri City, Satyavedu Mandal
Chittoor District - 517 646, Andhra Pradesh, India