Dr. Piyush Joshi
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
302, 2nd Floor, Academic Building Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City,
Chittoor Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India.
Academic Qualifications
Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Thesis Title: No-reference, no-training based image quality assessment and enhancement
M. Tech. (IT, Specialization in Robotics)
Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad
Thesis Title: Liveliness detection using face
Research Areas of Interest
Image Processing
Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
Awards / Honours
2011 – 2013, GATE fellowship for M.Tech studies, Ministry of Human Resource Development, India.
2013 – 2018, Institute Fellowship (During PhD) – MHRD, Govt. of India.
Awarded IIT Indore student travel grant for presenting the doctoral work at IEEE ISBA 2015 conference held at Hong Kong.
International Journal Articles:
1. Piyush Joshi, Alireza Rastegarpanah and Rustam Stolkin, A training free technique for 3D
object recognition using the concept of vibration, energy and frequency, Computers & Graphics, Volume 95, 2021, Pages 92-105. (IF 1.936)
2. Joshi, P., Prakash, S. Image enhancement with naturalness preservation. Visual Computer
36, 71–83 (2020). (IF 2.601)
3. Joshi, Piyush; Prakash, Surya, NR-IQA for noise-affected images using singular value
decomposition, IET Signal Processing, 2019, 13, (2), p. 183-191. (IF 1.692)
4. Piyush Joshi and Surya Prakash, Continuous Wavelet Transform Based No-Reference
Image Quality Assessment for Blur and Noise Distortions, in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp.
33871-33882, 2018. (IF 3.367)
5. Joshi, P., Prakash, S. and Rawat, S. Continuous wavelet transform-based no-reference
quality assessment of deblocked images. Visual Computer 34, 1739–1748 (2018). (IF
6. Piyush Joshi and Surya Prakash, Retina Inspired No-reference Image Quality Assessment
for Blur and Noise, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(18), pp. 18871-18890, 2017.
(IF 2.757)
7. Ganapathi, Iyyakutti Iyappan; Prakash, Surya; Dave, Ishan Rajendra; Joshi, Piyush; Ali,
Syed Sadaf; Shrivastava, Akhilesh Mohan: Ear recognition in 3D using 2D curvilinear
features, IET Biometrics, 2018, 7, (6), p. 519-529. (IF 1.821)
8. A. K. Singh, Piyush Joshi and G. C. Nandi, Face liveness detection through face structure
analysis. International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition (IJAPR2014), 1, 338-360.
International Conference Proceeding:
1. P. Joshi, A. Rastegarpanah and R. Stolkin, Are Current 3D Descriptors Ready for Real-
time Object Recognition?, 8th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics
and Automation (ICCMA), Moscow, 2020, pp. 217-221.
2. P. Joshi, A. Rastegarpanah and R. Stolkin, A Survey on Training Free 3D Texture-less Object Recognition Techniques, IEEE International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 2020, pp. 1-3.
3. Piyush Joshi and Surya Prakash, An Efficient Technique for Image Contrast Enhancement
using Artificial Bee Colony, IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and
Behavior Analysis (ISBA 2015), Hong Kong, China, March 2015.
4. Bharath Subrananyan, Piyush Joshi, Manoj Kumar Meena and Surya Prakash, Quality
Based Classification of Images for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition, IEEE
International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA 2016),
Sendai, Japan, February-March 2016
5. Piyush Joshi and Surya Prakash, A Quality Aware Technique for Biometric Recognition,
International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2015),
NOIDA-Delhi, February 2015.
6. Piyush Joshi and Surya Prakash, Image Quality Assessment based on Noise Detection,
International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2014), pp.
755-759, NOIDA-Delhi, February 2014.
7. Aditi Agrawal, Mahak Garg, Surya Prakash, Piyush Joshi and Akhilesh M. Srivastava,
Hand Down, Face Up: Innovative Mobile Attendance System using Face Recognition and
Deep Learning, In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision & Image
Processing (CVIP 2018), September 29-October 01, 2018, Jabalpur, India.
8. A. K. Singh, Piyush Joshi and G. C. Nandi, Face recognition with liveness detection using
eye and mouth movement, International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer
Technology (ICSPCT 2014), Ajmer, 2014, pp. 592-597.
Contact Information
Address for Communication:
302, 2nd Floor, Academic Building Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City,
Chittoor Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India.