Dr. Namitha A. S.
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Cabin/Room No: 322, 2nd Floor,
Academic Building, IIITS
Academic Qualifications
Ph. D. in Wireless Communication, M. Tech. in VLSI Design and B Tech in ECE
4 years and 4 months of post PhD experience and 2 years before Ph. D.
Research Areas of Interest
5G, OFDM, MIMO-OFDM, Cognitive Radio, Mathematical modelling of COVID-19
Awards / Honours
“ Best thesis award “ of the year 2018, 3rd prize, organized by IEEE ComSoc Society, Kerala and Bangalore chapter on March 30 th 2019.
International Journals
- Namitha A Sivadas, Ashutosh Mahajan, Pooja Panda " Control Strategies for the Third wave of COVID-19 infection in India: A Mathematical Model Incorporating Vaccine Effectiveness" IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems , September, 2022
- A. S. Namitha, "Simultaneous Minimisation of Side-band power and PAPR in OFDM based Cognitive Radio without any sending side information." Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley, April 2022
- A. S. Namitha, "PAPR reduction of OFDM systems using H-SLM method with a multiplierless IFFT/FFT technique." ETRI Journal, Wiley, March 2022
- Ashutosh Mahajan, Ravi Solanki, Namitha A Sivadas, ‘Estimation of Undetected Symptomatic and Asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 Infection and prediction of its spread in USA", International Journal of Medical Virology, Wiley
- Ashutosh Mahajan, Namitha A Sivadas, Ravi Solanki, “An Epidemic Model SIPHERD and its application for prediction of the spread of COVID-19 infection in India", Chaos, Solitons Fractals, Elsevier, July, 2020
- R Solanki, A Varshney, R Gourishetty, S Minase, N Sivadas, A Mahajan “ Correction in Active Cases Data of COVID-19 for the US States by Analytical study " Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Cambridge University Press
- Namitha A. S., Sameer S. M., “An Improved Selective Mapping Technique to Reduce Peak to Average Power Ratio in SISO and SIMOOFDM Systems Without Side Information," Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Springer, vol.36, no.10, pp. 4181-4206, Oct. 2017
- Namitha A. S., Sameer S. M., “A Bandwidth Efficient Selective Mapping Technique for the PAPR Reduction in Spatial Multiplexing MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication Systems," Physical Communication, Elsevier, vol.25, no.10, pp. 128-138, Dec. 2017
- Namitha A. S., Sameer S. M., “A Combined Technique for Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation and Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction in OFDM Systems Using Null subcarriers and Cuckoo Search Algorithm," Telecommunication System, Springer, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 275-285, Oct. 2016
- Namitha A. S., Sameer S. M., ”A Novel Joint Method for Frequency Offset Estimation and Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction in OFDM Systems Using Null Subcarriers," Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 343-359, Jul. 2015
- Namitha A. S., Sameer S. M., “A Joint Technique for Sidelobe Suppression and Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction in Noncontiguous OFDM Based Cognitive Radio Networks," International J. of Electronics, Taylor and Francis, vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 190-203, Jul. 2016
- Namitha A. S. and P. Sudheesh, “Improved Precoding Method for PAPR Reduction in OFDM with Bounded Distortion," International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 7, 12, Jun. 2010.
Conference Publications
- A. S. Namitha and S.M. Sameer, " An improved technique to reduce peak to average power ratio in OFDM systems using gold/Hadamard codes with selective mapping," in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc Bangalore, Jul. 2014, pp. 1-6.
- A. S. Namitha and S.M. Sameer, "Joint PAPR and sidelobe reduction in non-contiguous OFDM based cognitive radio systems," in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES), NIT Calicut, Feb. 2015, pp. 1-5.
- A. S. Namitha and P. Sudheesh, “Power Efficient Precoding Technique for OFDM Communication System," International Conference on intelligent information system and management (IISM), RVS college of engineering, Coimbatore, TN, 2010.
- A. S. Namitha and P. Sudheesh, “Modified Precoding Technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM System," International Conference On Advanced Computing And Communication (ICACC), Amal Jyothy college of Engineering, Kottayam, 2010.
- A. S. Namitha and P. Sudheesh, “Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques in OFDM Communication," National Conference on Power, Instrumentation, control and Computing(PICC), Govt. college of Engineering, Thrissur, Kerala, 2010.
- A. S. Namitha “A novel approach for power Reduction in OFDM with Bounded Distortion " National Conference VLSI architectures for image and video Processing Systems, METS school of Engineering, Kerala, 2011
Patent Granted
Patent Grant number: 2022/01777
Contact Information
Address for Communication:
Cabin/Room No: 322, 2nd Floor,
Academic Building, IIITS