Dr. Kartick Sutradhar
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
2nd Floor, Academic Building
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Computer Vision Group)
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India
Academic Qualifications
B.E. [Information Technology]: The University of Burdwan (2015)
M.Tech. [Information Technology]: National Institute of Technology Durgapur (2017)
Ph.D. [Computer Science and Engineering]: Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad (2022)
M.Tech. [Information Technology]: National Institute of Technology Durgapur (2017)
Ph.D. [Computer Science and Engineering]: Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad (2022)
Research Areas of Interest
Quantum Computing and Cryptography
Awards / Honours
- Inder Mohan Thapar Research Award (2022)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "Efficient quantum secret sharing without a trusted player." Quantum Information Processing 19.2 (2020): 73. (SCI, IF: 2.349) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-019-2571-4)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "A Generalized Quantum Protocol for Secure Multiparty Summation." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 67.12 (2020): 2978-2982. (SCI, IF: 3.292) (DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2020.2989447)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "Hybrid Quantum Protocols for Secure Multiparty Summation and Multiplication." Scientific Reports, 10.1 (2020): 1-9. (SCI, IF: 5.133) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-65871-8)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "An Efficient Simulation for Quantum Secure Multiparty Computation." Scientific Reports, 11 (2021): 1-9. (SCI, IF: 5.133) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81799-z)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "Secret Sharing Based Multiparty Quantum Computation for Multiplication." International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 60.9 (2021): 3417-3425. (SCI, IF: 1.708) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10773-021-04917-7)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "Enhanced (t, n) threshold d-level quantum secret sharing." Scientific Reports, 11.1 (2021): 1-7. (SCI, IF: 5.133) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-96634-8)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "A Cost-effective Quantum Protocol for Secure Multi-party Multiplication." Quantum Information Processing., 20.11 (2021): 1-10. (SCI, IF: 2.349) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-021-03334-3)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "A Privacy-Preserving Comparison Protocol." IEEE Transactions on Computers, 72.6 (2022): 1815-1821, (SCI, IF: 3.183) (DOI: 10.1109/TC.2022.3215640) (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9927425/metrics)
- Kartick Sutradhar. " Secure Multiparty Quantum Aggregating Protocol." Quantum Information and Computation, 23.3 (2023): 0245-0256 (SCI, IF: 0.976) (https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC23.3-4-4 )
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om. "Efficient Cryptographic protocol for Sorting with Data-oblivious." International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET).
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor (May 2023 – till date) - IIIT Sri City, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Assistant Professor (February 2022– April 2023) – GITAM University, Bengaluru, India
- Internet of Things (February 2022 – June 2022)
- Compiler Design (August 2022 – December 2022)
- Kartick Sutradhar and Hari Om, “Method and System for Secure Multiparty Quantum Aggregation “, Indian patent filed in 2023 (Ref: 202341031799).
Contact Information
Address for Communication:
2nd Floor, Academic Building
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Computer Vision Group)
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Computer Vision Group)
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India