Dr. Kamalakanta Sethi
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Assistant Professor
2nd Floor, Academic Building
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chitoor
Andhra Pradesh-517646, India
Academic Qualifications
PhD (CSE) : Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (October 2021)
Thesis: Design of Advanced Cryptography and Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Networks Supervisor: Dr. Padmalochan Bera
Thesis: Design of Advanced Cryptography and Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Networks Supervisor: Dr. Padmalochan Bera
M.Tech (Information Security) : National Institute of Technology Warangal
Thesis : Digital Image Watermarking using DCT and DWT
Supervisor: Dr. USN Raju
B.Tech (CSE): National Institute of Science and Technology, Berhampur
Work Experience
Work Experience:
- Assistant Professor (26th April, 2022-till date)-IIIT Sri City
- Assistant Professor (26th Jan 2022- 25th April 2022): Silicon Institute of Technology, BBSR
- Project Associate (October 2020- November 2021): IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha
- Teaching Assistant (July 2015- September 2020): IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha
- Adhoc Faculty (July 2014-May 2015): NIT Warangal
Research Areas of Interest
- Advanced Cryptography
- Attribute based Encryption
- Homomorphic Encryption
- Machine Learning based Malware Detection
- AI driven Intrusion Détection System
- Cloud Security
- Network Security
Awards / Honours
- Qualified UGC-NET for Assistant Professor in June 2013 and December 2013
- Qualified GATE 2011, 2012 , 2014, 2015, 2018, and 2021
- Design and Development of Tools for Detection and Prevention of Cyber Attacks in Smart Grid EMS. Funded by: Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore
International Journals:
- Kamalakanta Sethi, E Sai Rupesh, Rahul Kumar, Padmalochan Bera, Y Venu Madhav, “A context-aware robust intrusion detection system: a reinforcement learning-based approach” International Journal of Information Security, Springer, Vol. 19, pp: 657-678, 2020
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Ankit Pradhan, Padmalochan Bera, “Practical traceable multi-authority CP-ABE with outsourcing decryption and access policy updation” Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier, Volume 51, 2020, 102435, ISSN 2214-2126
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Ankit Pradhan, Padmalochan Bera, “PMTER-ABE: A Practical Multi-authority CP-ABE with Traceability, Revocation and Outsourcing Decryption for Secure Access Control in Cloud Systems” Cluster Computing (Springer), vol. 24(2), pp: 1525-1550, 2021
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Venu Madhav, Rahul Kumar, Padmalochan Bera, “Attention based Multi-agent Intrusion Detection Systems using Reinforcement Learning” Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 61, 2021
International Conferences:
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Shankar Kumar Chaudhary, Bata Krishna Tripathy, Padmalochan Bera “A novel malware analysis for malware detection and classification using machine learning algorithms” ACM SIN 2017, pp. 07-13, Jaipur, October 13-15, 2017.
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Amartya Majumdar, Padmalochan Bera, “A novel implementation of parallel homomorphic encryption for secure data storage in cloud”, IEEE Cyber Science 2017, Oxford, UK, June 3-4 2019
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Anish Chopra, Padmalochan Bera, Bata Krishna Tripathy “Integration of role based access control with homomorphic cryptosystem for secure and controlled access of data in cloud”, ACM SIN 2017, pp.194-199, Jaipur, October 13-15, 2017.
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Shankar Kumar Choudhary, Padmalochan Bera, Bata Krishna Tripathy “A novel malware analysis framework for malware detection and classification using machine learning approach”, 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), January, 2018
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Punith R, Ankit Pradhan, Padmalochan Bera, “A Scalable Attribute Based Encryption for Secure Data Storage and Access in Cloud”, IEEE Cyber Science 2019, Oxford, UK, June 3-4 2019
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Rahul Kumar, Lingaraj Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, “A Novel Machine Learning Based Malware Detection and Classification Framework”, IEEE Cyber Science 2019 , Oxford, UK, June 3-4, 2019
- Ankit Pradhan, Kamalakanta Sethi, Shrohan Mohapatra Padmalochan Bera , "Distributed Multi-authority Attribute-based Encryption Using Cellular Automata", 18th International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS) , Fuzhou, China 2019
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Rahul Kumar, Nishant Prajapati and Padmalochan Bera, "A Lightweight Intrusion Detection System using Benford's Law and Network Flow Size Difference," 2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India, 2020, pp. 1-6
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Ankit Pradhan and Padmalochan Bera, "Attribute-Based Data Security with Obfuscated Access Policy for Smart Grid Applications," 2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India, 2020, pp. 503-506
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Rahul Kumar, Nishant Prajapati and Padmalochan Bera, "Deep Reinforcement Learning based Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Infrastructure," 2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India, 2020, pp. 1-6
- Kasturi Routray, Kamalakanta Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, “CP-ABE with Hidden Access Policy and Outsourced Decryption for Cloud based EHR Applications” The 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2020), Ahmedabad, India.
- Rahul Kumar, Kamalakanta Sethi, Nishant Prajapati, Kamalakanta Sethi , “Machine Learning based Malware Detection in Cloud Environment using Clustering Approach” 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), IIT Kharagpur, India, 2020.
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Rahul Kumar, Dinesh Mohanty, Padmalochan Bera, “Robust Adaptive Cloud Intrusion Detection System using Advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning” Tenth International Conference on Security, Privacy and Applied Cryptographic Engineering (SPACE 2020), IIT Kharagpur, India.
- Ankit Pradhan, Kamalakanta Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, “Smart Grid Data Security using Practical CP-ABE with Obfuscated Policy and Outsourcing Decryption” 2020 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA), IEEE, pp.1-8, London, United Kingdom, 2020.
- USN Raju, Kamalakanta Sethi, Sunaina Choudhary, Priyanka Jain, “A new hybrid watermarking technique using DCT and DWT based on scaling factor” 2015 International Conference on Futuristic Trends on Computational Analysis and Knowledge Management (ABLAZE), pp. 232-235, IEEE, Noida, 2015.
- Dinesh Mohanty, Kamalakanta Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, “Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Smart Grid Applications” 2021 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA), IEEE, London, United Kingdom, 2021.
- Aniket Agrawal, Kamalakanta Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, “IoT-Based Aggregate Smart Grid Energy Data Extraction Using Image Recognition and Partial Homomorphic Encryption” IEEE ANTS (IEEE conference on advanced networking and telecommunications) 2021 [Accepted]
- Aniket Agrawal, Kamalakanta Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, “Inviolable e-Question paper via QR code Watermarking and Visual Cryptography” IEEE ANTS (IEEE conference on advanced networking and telecommunications) 2021 [Accepted]
Contact Information
Address for Communication:
2nd Floor, Academic Building
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chitoor
Andhra Pradesh-517646, India