Dr. Anish Chand Turlapaty
Associate Professor
Office Address:
319, 2nd Floor, Academic Building
Department of Electronics and Communicaion Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D [Electrical Engineering], 2010
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University, MS, USA
Dissertation Title: Application of pattern recognition and adaptive DSP methods for spatiotemporal analysis of satellite based hydrological datasets.
Research Areas of Interest
Theory and application of statistical signal processing in the areas of radar and wearable robotics. Application of pattern recognition in the areas of image processing, remote sensing and wearable robotics.
Awards / Honours
- Graduate student Research Award Spring 2010, Mississippi State University Centers and Institutes, Mississippi State University
- Graduate Research Assistant of the Year Fall 2010 Geosystems Research Institute, Mississippi State University
- Travel grant under the International travel scheme, Summer 2018, Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Gov. of India
- Travel grant from IEEE to attend IGARSS Summer 2009 University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Assistantship from ASPRS to attend ASPRS 2009. Spring 2009 Baltimore, MD
- Silver Medal for Distinction in Mathematics Spring 1999
- EMGNet: Development of Deep Learning Based Model for Hand Movements Classification using Surface EMG Signals 2020-2022. Funded by SERB, Govt. of India, under Core Research Grant Scheme
- Feature Analysis for Classification of Physical Actions using surface EMG Data. Turlapaty, A. C. and Gokaraju, B., IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019.
- SVM based Classification Of sEMG Signals using Time Domain Features for the Applications towards Arm Exoskeletons. N. Amamcherla, A. Turlapaty and B. Gokaraju ACM Advances in Robotics, IITM, Chennai, India, 2019.
- A Machine Learning System for Classification of EMG Signals to Assist Exoskeleton Performance. N. Amamcherla, A. Turlapaty and B. Gokaraju IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), , Washington, DC, USA, 2018.
- "Shape Parameter Estimation for K-Distribution Using Variational Bayesian Approach, 2018 ,, 2018, pp. 243-247. A. C. Turlapaty IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), Freiburg, Germany, 2018.
- Data fusion of multi-source satellite data sets for cost-effective disaster management studies. B. Gokaraju, R. A. A. Nóbrega, D. A. Doss, A. C. Turlapaty and R. C. Tesiero SoutheastCon Charlotte, NC, 2017
- Approximations to detectors for Gaussian targets in compound Gaussian clutter using MIMO radar . Turlapaty, A.C. Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC),,IITM, Chennai, 2017
- "Multi-Parameter Estimation in Compound Gaussian Clutter by Variational Bayesian," in . Turlapaty A. and Jin, Y. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. 64, no. 18, pp. 4663-4678, Sept.15, 2016
- Gabor filter based entropy and energy features for basic scene recognition. A. C. Turlapaty, H. K. Goru and B. Gokaraju, 2016 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), Washington, DC, 2016, pp. 1-4.
- "Integration of intrusion detection and web service alarm for home automation system using ‘ARM’ microprocessor," . B. Gokaraju, D. Yessick, J. Steel, D. A. Doss and A. C. Turlapaty, SoutheastCon 2016,, Norfolk, VA, 2016, pp. 1-2
- Sequential Bayesian parameter estimation by cognitive radar with multi-antenna arrays,,. Turlapaty, A. C. and Jin, Y. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.63, no.4, pp.974-987, Feb.15, 2015
- Comprehensive review of evolution of satellite sensor specifications against speedup performance of pattern recognition algorithms in remote sensing. Gokaraju, B., Bhushan, S., Anantharaj, V., Turlapaty, A.C., and Doss, D. A. 2015 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), Washington, DC, 2015, pp. 1-8
- "Change detection analysis of tornado disaster using conditional copulas and Data Fusion for cost-effective disaster management," . Gokaraju, B., Turlapaty, A. C., Doss, D. A., King, R. L., and Younan, N. H. 2015 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR),, Washington, DC, 2015, pp. 1-8.
- "Multi-parameter estimation for cognitive radar in compound Gaussian clutter", , . . Turlapaty, A. C., Jin, Y. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2015, Brisbane, Australia, 2015.
Current Students
- Naveen Kumar (PHD) (Ongoing)
- K. Durgesh (PhD) (Ongoing)
- A. Nagaswathi (MS) (Ongoing)
Signals and Sytems, Institue Core course at UG-1, Semester 2.
- Pattern Recognition, an elective course for junior and senior UG students
Contact Information
Address for Communication:
Room No. 321, 2nd Floor, Academic Building
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
630, Gnan Marg, Sri City, Satyavedu Mandal
Chittoor District - 517 646, Andhra Pradesh, India
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
630, Gnan Marg, Sri City, Satyavedu Mandal
Chittoor District - 517 646, Andhra Pradesh, India