Dr Abhishek Hazra
Assistant Professor
Office Address:
Indian Institute of Information Technology Sri City,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Room Number-319, Chittoor District - 517 646,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Academic Qualifications
- B.Tech: National Institute of Technology Agartala, 2014,
- M.Tech: National Institute of Technology Manipur, 2018,
- Ph.D.: Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, 2022,
Research Areas of Interest
Google Scholar ID: Click Here
Awards / Honours
- AIEEE 2010
- GATE 2016
- INSC Young Achiever Award-2022,
- Editor/Guest Editor - Physical Communication, Computer Communications, Contemporary Mathematics, IET Networks, SN Computer Science, Measurement: Sensors,
- Conference General Chairs: IEEE PICom 2023
- Conference Session Chair: ICITIIT’23
- Conference TPC Member: IC2E3-2023, ICICSA-2023, IC3SIS’22, IC3SIS’23, ASSIC 2023
- Dora Plus Fellowship, Horizon 2020, Europe,
- MHRD Fellowship, 2014
- MHRD Fellowship, Master’s Fellow (2016-2018)
- MHRD Fellowship, Research Fellow (2018-2022)
- Reviewer: IEEE TFS, IEEE TNSE, IEEE TCE, IEEE IoT, IEEE TGCN, IEEE WCL, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, IEEE China Communications,
1) Hazra, A., Adhikari, M., Amgoth, T. and Srirama, S.N., 2020. Stackelberg game for service deployment of IoT-enabled applications in 6G-aware fog networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(7), pp.5185-5193.
2) Hazra, A., Adhikari, M., Amgoth, T. and Srirama, S.N., 2020. Joint computation offloading and scheduling optimization of IoT applications in fog networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 7(4), pp.3266-3278.
3) Hazra, A., Adhikari, M., Amgoth, T. and Srirama, S.N., 2021. A comprehensive survey on interoperability for IIoT: taxonomy, standards, and future directions. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 55(1), pp.1-35.
4) Hazra, A., Adhikari, M., Amgoth, T. and Srirama, S.N., 2021. Collaborative AI-enabled intelligent partial service provisioning in green industrial fog networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
5) Adhikari, M., Munusamy, A., Hazra, A., Menon, V.G., Anavangot, V. and Puthal, D., 2021. Security and privacy in edge-centric intelligent internet of vehicles: issues and remedies. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.
6) Hazra, A., Donta, P.K., Amgoth, T. and Dustdar, S., 2022. Cooperative Transmission Scheduling and Computation Offloading with Collaboration of Fog and Cloud for Industrial IoT Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
7) Hazra, A. and Amgoth, T., 2021. CeCO: Cost-efficient computation offloading of IoT applications in green industrial fog networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
8) Hazra, A., Adhikari, M., Amgoth, T. and Srirama, S.N., 2021. Intelligent service deployment policy for next-generation industrial edge networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
9) Hazra, A., Adhikari, M., Amgoth, T. and Srirama, S.N., 2022. Fog Computing for Energy Efficient Data Offloading of IoT Applications in Industrial Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(9), pp.8663-8671.
10) Adhikari, M. and Hazra, A., 2022. 6G-Enabled Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication in Edge Networks. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 6(1), pp.67-74.
11) Hazra, A., Alkhayyat, A. and Adhikari, M., 2022. Blockchain-aided Integrated Edge Framework of Cybersecurity for Internet of Things. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.
12) Adhikari, M., Hazra, A., Menon, V.G., Chaurasia, B.K. and Mumtaz, S., 2021. A Roadmap of Next-Generation Wireless Technology for 6G-Enabled Vehicular Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 4(4), pp.79-85.
13) Nandy, S., Adhikari, M., Hazra, A., Mukherjee, T. and Menon, V.G., 2022. Analysis of Communicable Disease Symptoms using Bag-of-Neural Network at Edge Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal.
14) Hazra, A., Adhikari, M., Nandy, S., Doulani, K. and Menon, V.G., 2022. Federated Learning-Aided Next-Generation Edge Networks for Intelligent Services. IEEE Network, 36(3), pp.56-64.
15) Sah, D.K., Hazra, A., Kumar, R. and Amgoth, T., 2022. Harvested Energy Prediction Technique for Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal.
16) Adhikari, M., Hazra, A. and Nandy, S., 2022. Deep Transfer Learning for Communicable Disease Detection and Recommendation in Edge Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
17) Kalita, A., Hazra, A. and Gurusamy, M., 2023. Parrondo’s Paradox based Enhanced Beacon Transmission in 6TiSCH Networks. IEEE Networking Letters.
18) Hazra, A., Rana, P., Adhikari, M. and Amgoth, T., 2023. Fog computing for nextgeneration Internet of Things: Fundamental, state-of-the-art and research challenges. Computer Science Review,48, p.100549.
1) Kalita, A., Hazra, A. and Guruswami, M., 2023, July. Efficient Schemes for Improved Performance in 6TiSCH Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2023
2) Chaudhary, A., Hazra, A. and Chaudhary, P., 2019, July. Diagnosis of chest diseases in x-ray images using deep convolutional neural network. In 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) (pp. 1-6).
3) Hazra, A., Choudhary, P. and Vivek, O., 2018, July. An advance mobility management scheme in wireless network. In 2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) (pp. 1-5).
4) Hazra, A. and Choudhary, P., 2019. An advance forward pointer-based routing in wireless mesh network. In Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Engineering (pp. 153-164). Springer,
5) Hazra, A., Adhikari, M. and Amgoth, T., 2022, June. Dynamic Service Deployment Strategy using Reinforcement Learning in Edge Networks. In 2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS) (pp. 1-6).
6) Hazra, A., Singh, S. and Awasthi, L. K., 2023. Fog Intelligence for Energy Optimized Computation in Industry 4.0. ICAIoT 2023.
Book Chapters: NA
Work Experience
Contact Information
Address for Communication:
Dr Abhishek Hazra,
Indian Institute of Information Technology Sri City,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Room Number-319, Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India,