Gyan Circle Ventures (Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development at IIITS (CIEDI), a Section 8 Company) is the Technology Business Incubator of IIIT Sri City. The center is funded by Ministry of Information Technology (MeiTy) under TIDE 2.0 as a Group 2 Centre to promote deep-tech entrepreneurship through financial and technical support to incubators engaged in using emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, Block-chain, Robotics etc. in areas including manufacturing, education, Smart Cities, etc.

Indian Institute of Information Technology Sri City (IIITS), is an institute of national importance established in 2013 by MHRD Government of India in partnership with Government of Andhra Pradesh and Sri City Pvt Ltd. IIITS aims to develop solutions to real-world problems and create a positive impact in our day-to-day lives. The Institute encourages undergraduate students to actively take part in research through a merit-based BTech Honours program. Students who participate in the program work on a particular area under a faculty or group of faculties for a period of 2 years. They earn the Honours degree by producing research publications or Intellectual property or a software/hardware product.
Additionally, IIIT Sri City promotes a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship to help faculty and students to fulfil their potential and to serve the needs of the community. We foster entrepreneurship and innovation through several ways. IIIT Sri City has been selected by MHRD Innovation Cell to act as an Institute Innovation Council. Furthermore, IIIT Sri City has established an Entrepreneurship Cell (E-cell) to support and enable students to create innovative ideas and convert them into business opportunities. E-cell trains students on how to be successful entrepreneurs with social responsibility.
Keeping up with the spirit of entrepreneurship, in 2020, we launched our TBI, Gyan Circle Ventures (The legal entity being Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development at IIITS (CIED), an independent Section 8 Non-profit organization). The Business Incubator is one of the strategic priorities of the institute to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the region, in several areas including but not limited to, Infrastructure Development and Smart Manufacturing. We strongly believe that Gyan Circle Ventures will serve as a hub for innovation and startups leading to development of new technologies and business opportunities as well as enable economic and social development in the region.
The primary purpose of the incubator, associated with the esteemed IIIT Sri City, is to encourage building the institutions’ entrepreneurial spirit via utilizing its intellectual capital. Currently, Dr. G. Kannabiran, Director, IIIT Sri City and Shri M Balasubramaniam,Chairman - Board of Governors, IIIT Sri City serve as the Directors of the company (CIEDI).
Gyan Circle Ventures invites participation from potential entrepreneurs and startups that are building cutting edge technology solutions to real world problems.
Gyan Circle Ventures located in IIIT Sri City provides valuable facilities to incubatees and startups. The incubatees of GCV gets access to
- Modern work space
- Communication facilities
- Computing facilities
- Equipment labs
- Library & information Centre
- Training and conference facilities
In addition, the incubatees can leverage the expertise of Mentors from both academia and the industry. Being an incubatee in a TBI which is a part of an esteemed high quality technical institution has additional perks. Startups need manpower and they have an opportunity to hire brilliant young minds from IIIT Sri City, either as interns or as full time employees.
Gyan Circle Ventures proposal to function as a Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs (TIDE 2.0) incubation centre was approved by the Ministry of Information Technology (MeiTy). They have chosen and are funding GCV as a Group 2 Centre.
TIDE 2.0 by MeiTy was initiated to promote tech entrepreneurship through financial and technical support to incubators engaged in using emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, Block-chain, Robotics etc. in pre-identified areas of societal relevance. More details of the scheme are available in the following links:
The TIDE 2.0 center at Gyan Circle Ventures will provide support for innovators and startups, in various phases, via the two following programs.
Entrepreneur-In-Residence (EiR) Program
- An Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EiR) is an individual(s)/ student(s)/ start-up who are ready to develop and validate their idea into a Proof-of-Concept (POC).
- They will work from GCV incubator space
- GCV TBI will support the idea development, validation and subsequent development of POC.
- A maximum up to Rs. 4 Lakhs will be provided to each EiR as Grant. To register for the EiR program: Application Form
Grants Program
- Nascent start-ups with a definite Proof-of-Concept can be considered eligible for the grant. The grant is provided to create a Minimum Viable Product and to advance the start-up till Go-to-market stage.
- A maximum of up to Rs. 7 Lakhs may be provided to each start-up as Grant.
- GCV TBI will provide mentorship and guidance throughout the program.
- Prof.M.V.Kartikeyan, Director(Additional Charge), IIIT Sri City
- Shri Bala M.S, CEO-Stratinfinity Inc
- Col. T Umasankar (Retd.), Registrar-IIIT Sri City
- Prof. Hrishikesh Venkataraman, Dean-R&D, IIIT Sri City
- Dr. G. Kannabiran, Director, IIIT Sri City
- Shri Ramesh Loganathan, CEO, CIE IIIT Hyderabad
- Shri Derick Jose, Founder and CEO, Flutura Analytics
- Shri Shankar Narayanan, Serial Entrepreneur
- Shri K Mahalingam, Member Chennai Angels
- Shri R. Mahalingam, MD, Netcon, Coimbatore
- Dr. Hrishikesh Venkataraman, FIC of R&D, IIIT Sri City
- Dr. Subu Kandaswamy, Assistant Professor, IIIT Sri City and Director, Gyan Circle Ventures
Applications are invited from potential candidates/startups for two programs, as part of our operation as TIDE 2.0 Group 2 center for the following program.
EiR - Entrepreneurs in Residence
- An Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EiR) is an individual(s)/ student(s)/ start-up who are ready to develop and validate their idea into a Proof-of-Concept (POC).
- Faculties and students (both UG and PG) are encouraged to apply.
- They will work from GCV incubator space.
- GCV TBI will support the idea development, validation, and subsequent development of POC.
- A maximum up to Rs. 4 Lakhs will be provided to each EiR as Grant.
Apply Here for EiR Program
Guidelines for Application
Last Date for receipt of Applications: 10th March 2025 6:00 PM
Gyan Circle Ventures
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
630 Gnan Marg, Sri City, Satyavedu Mandal
Chittoor District - 517 646, Andhra Pradesh, India
For Information, kindly contact :
Please indicate your query clearly in the subject line for faster processing of your queries. Please refer to our website before forwarding your queries to us.

S No | Name of the Start-Up | Founder | Contact Details | Innovation Brief |
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Email ID: Website: | Smart Green Charging is a IoT based hybrid solution of hardware comprising Intelligent electronics Embedded BLE/WiFi communication and Software Mobile or Desktop based application for Android, Windows OS that will communicate and exchange data with the battery and control charging remotely through the charger hardware regulator. The product cuts off Charge power supply to the smart device when upper limit is reached and does not resume the charge till the device drains to below lower limit. This keeps the battery in the optimal zone of SOC and reduces battery temperature. |
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Email ID: | Application of negative pressure to Non-healing wounds results in increased granulation tissue and angiogenesis (increased blood vessel formation). Negative pressure machines are presently imported and are used mainly in urban areas. The objective of the Remote access IoT enabled NPWT (EasyKure) is to make the units available at SUBSCRIPTION to address the need for the larger community with limited units. Thus the expenditure per patient will be cost effective and affordable. Cloud Server based central control software with performance monitoring and access controlling of the NPWT device will ensure Quality of Service and estimated usability of the device. |
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Email ID: Website: | The project is to build a low cost yet a quantitative and qualitative integrated gas sensor module for monitoring temperature, humidity, CO2, TVOC, O2 purity and O2 concentration. By doing so healthy individuals can be prevented from the risk of COPD and also diminish the risk to the COPD patients. The start-up is planning to develop a low cost yet competitive Air quality monitor and Purifier. Air Purifier consist of Several filters. The innovation comes in the filter part were a plant called Vetiver its roots are used as a cooling catalyst and other aspect is the use of Terraform patented Graphene Tech to convert graphene into spray. These sprays are sprayed over the HEPA filter making them Door edged sword for the microbes. Cost cutting and easy availability to all class of people. This air purifier filter can trap up to 0.1 microns at efficiency rate of estimated 99.997% |
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Email ID: Website: | “Smart Intravenous Dripper- SID”, is an IV-line automation device which is integrated into the healthcare system and could potentially disrupt the healthcare automation space. It is user-friendly, adaptable and cost-effective with the static IV setup. The product monitors, alerts, stops and maintains the level of fluid in the IV line automatically without the need of the nurse being physically present, thereby preventing Air Embolism, Blood Backflow and Vein Infiltration. It can also communicate to the nurse at the central monitoring station regarding status of IV fluid admitted to multiple patients across the hospital through our centralized User Interface. |
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Email ID: Website: | SenseLuto (Advanced Soil monitoring & crop management system) helps in better allocation of resources like water, fertilizers etc…resulting in reduction of the excess water used in the field, denitrogenation of the field and better yield throughput. During the last decade, there have been many instances of zero-day crisis throughout the world and of soil deterioration, which resulted in the parched earth. The product with its most reliable water conservative approach can be used in the most drought affected areas, benefiting end users with its best allocation of resources. Improper utilization of resources in times of over-abundance results in excess water usage. |
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Email ID: | The IoT enabled smart feeder device helps in measurement of waters parameters by sensors DO, pH, temperature H2S and NH3 probes , if any parameters are unstable, it takes immediate action and normalizes along with sending the information to the mobile. It helps in measuring Meteorological parameters device & regulating through special mechanism. Automatic Aerators ON/OFF devices through App & IVRS call. Smart Fertilizer injector machine for applying minerals & fertilizers. Smart camera are equipped for better surveillance. |
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Email ID: | The system to develop soilless farming aeroponic tower to produce organic vegetables in a little place through real-time monitoring & application of IoT & Robotics. |
8 | Magronic Contrivance Private Limited, Pondicherry | ![]() |
Email ID: | We make improved farming systems for algae culture where modern technologies & researches are implemented in conventional farming. We study the properties of the specific algae, monitors and controls the parameters affecting them and protect them from contaminations. By doing so, the quality of the yield and its bio mass is maintained high which directly increases the farmers’ revenue. Due to high environmental constraint, only 3% of the global spirulina demand is getting supplied. With our innovation, we could increase the supply capacity of spirulina (Algae) world-wide and more than 40Lakhs Indian cultivators will be directly benefitted by 50% increase in their revenue. |
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Email ID: | FarmX Innovations private limited is a smart electronic devices manufacturing and servicing company for the poultry, livestock, mushroom, and dairy farm sector. Which automatically adjust environmental Conditions in farm and Alerts the farm management through App. |
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Email ID: | The efficiency of the PV solar panels is largely dependent on the ambient conditions and several factors come into the picture to determine the actual efficiency of panels during their operation. One such factor is Soiling, which is simply the accumulation of soil and dust particles over the panels will obstruct the quantum of sun rays reaching the panels and will affect the PV performance reducing the peak power generation up to 10 to 30%.We cater to this problem of soiling through our autonomous dry-cleaning robot which sits on the solar array and cleans the solar surface through a specially designed brush which eradicated most of the dust. Our robot is self-sufficient with its own power source through solar. |
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Email ID: Website: | The Personal Protective Equipment’s in healthcare sector is a rapidly growing sector but witnessed a dearth of innovation in last few decades. Conventional PPEs are surgical gowns or Hazmat suit with or without thin sheet of plastic lamination. The major shortcomings of existing PPEs are it exponentially increases global plastic foot print, it enhances prospect of reinfection, very expensive and complicated biowaste disposal & sterilization procedures. To address this issue, we have developed a PPE which provides infection control to the users and an effective replacement for the disposable medical PPE used in the industry. Our PPE is in line with the global agenda of circular economy – Reduce, Recycle & Reuse. Our superior design and fabric make the PPE sanitizable, washable, reusable which will be cost effective & sustainable. An upgrade from manual to IoT enabled SMART apparel helps the user to sanitize the apparel even before doffing the PPE thus breaking the chain of transmission of infection. |
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Email ID: Website: | Even in the twenty-first century, women from all walks of life are continuously being harassed and violated in the streets, public transportation and public spaces. The present device will be developed by coupling GSM signal with location map, Pic Micro controller and mobile number. The signal will alert victims relatives and law enforcing agencies. Women can wear the device as a wristband (MVP) or locket (MVP) which will consist of a button and a light. The system dial 5 out going calls with GSM . One of the advanced Feature . The device can come in the form of wrist band or as locket around the neck. Sending a message to the nearest Police station. The location of the victim will be sent to the nearest police station requesting immediate action. Sending messages to relatives: Pressing the wearable button will send a message to the family members along with the location of the victim. Without any application we can operate this system . Acknowledging victims by the police over When the request is received at the police station, the police can send an assurance message to the victim which will result in turning ON the LED on the victim's hand. |
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Email ID: Website: | Eco friendly solar based smart E- Banners relates to electronic banner. More specifically the present invention is directed to a cost-effective environment friendly solar-powered electronic banner for displaying information, advertisements and like in a public place. The usage of plastic has been leading to major problem effecting the environment. As a move toward reducing plastic and the hazardous problems affecting the environment, the present invention discloses an environmental friendly solar powered smart banners which completely works with the solar power and replaces the current plastic banners in the society and making it implementable at a very low cost. Its major applications include small scale organizations like colleges, shops, shopping malls, function halls, and bill boards. This can operate by using Internet. |
14 | Elixir SensAI, Trichy | ![]() |
Email ID: | Aqualyzer is a simple-looking smart portable water quality analyzer to detect life threatening heavy metal ions (lead, cadmium and mercury), pathogens in water. This smart phone connected device can be deployed in residential, industries aquacultures and agricultural lands to ensure water quality and safeguard human and aquatic life. Customized artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms help in predicting the toxicity levels of contaminants at ppb levels in real time and alert the concerned person/community to take safer decisions. |