Shri Ravindra Sannareddy - Member
Managing Director
Sri City (P) Ltd
Mr. Ravindra Sannareddy is the Managing Director of Sri City, which is the largest Integrated Business City in South India.
He has been involved in creating and sustaining high-tech ventures for close to two decades. Today, Ravi is an established industry-captain with diverse interests in Infrastructure Development and other allied businesses.
Ravi also personifies the success story of a young first generation entrepreneur who has his roots in rural background and who has grown his personal stature and his businesses to immense international scale and size in a short span of time.
As a “son of the soil”, he decided to give back to the society and uplift the economically backward region where he was born. He amalgamated his extensive experience gained by living and doing business abroad with his strong roots in the local communities in creating Sri City, a striking example of new urbanism in India. He has been successfully leading his team to accomplish his mission to make Sri City, as the destination for the best companies of the world.
He holds an M.S.E Degree in Environmental Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA and an M.S. Degree in Water Resources Management from Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA and a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from National Institute of Technology (formerly REC), Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India