Director (Additional Charge)
IIIT Sri City, Chittoor
W.e.f. 6 June, 2024
Prof. M V Kartikeyan is a professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering at IIT Roorkee (IITR). Prof. Kartikeyan joined IITR in 2003 as an Associate Professor, and he was elevated to the position of a full-professor in 2009. From 2020 to October 2022, Prof. Kartikeyan was working at IIT-Tirupati on deputation.
An alumnus of Banaras Hindu University and IITBHU, he received his master’s degree in 1985 and PhD in 1992 specializing in Advanced Electronics & Radio Physics and Microwave Engineering. He was a research scientist with the Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani from 1989 to 2001. Prior to joining IITR in 2003, Prof. Kartikeyan was with the Institut fu¨r Hochleistungsimpuls-und Mikrowellentechnik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany (1996, 1998-2000, 2001-2003; and during summers in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012). Prof. Kartikeyan is a recipient of the Hildegard- Maier Research Fellowship for Electrical Sciences of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1998-2000) and the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (2001-2003, 2011, 2012). He is a Fellow of IEEE, INAE, IET, VEDS, IE, and IETE. Prof. Kartikeyan served as a member of the Vacuum Electronics Technical Committee of IEEE Electron Devices Society (IEEE-EDS- VETC) during 2018-2021. He is serving VETC as a corresponding member since 2022. He is on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT). Prof. Kartikeyan is the principal author of 5 books and he has published more than 350 research papers in peer reviewed transactions/journals and conferences. His current research interests include high power millimeter wave and terahertz sources; RF Circuits, Antennas and Systems; Metamaterials and fractals; Computational Electromagnetics; and RF and microwave design with soft computing and machine learning techniques.
Prof. Kartikeyan held various administrative positions at IITR. He served as the Associate Dean - Faculty Affairs, Chairman - Library Advisory Committee, Academic Chairperson - Electronics & ICT Academy, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Head of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, and Head of the Institute Computer Center.
As the Director (Additional charge) of IIIT Sri City, he is committed to improve the research ambience of the institute and to facilitate a learning environment where problem solving leads to product development. He endeavors, that Institute to become a premier institution for Research and Entrepreneurship based engineering education with its unique curriculum and efforts to collaborate with industry and research organizations.
Prof. M V Kartikeyan joined IIITDM Kancheepuram as the Director of the Institute on 12th October 2022. He is a professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering at IIT Roorkee (IITR). Prof. Kartikeyan joined IITR in 2003 as an Associate Professor, and he was elevated to the position of a full-professor in 2009. From 2020 to October 2022, Prof. Kartikeyan was working at IIT-Tirupati on deputation.
An alumnus of Banaras Hindu University and IITBHU, he received his master’s degree in 1985 and PhD in 1992 specializing in Advanced Electronics & Radio Physics and Microwave Engineering. He was a research scientist with the Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani from 1989 to 2001. Prior to joining IITR in 2003, Prof. Kartikeyan was with the Institut fu¨r Hochleistungsimpuls-und Mikrowellentechnik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany (1996, 1998-2000, 2001-2003; and during summers in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012). Prof. Kartikeyan is a recipient of the Hildegard-Maier Research Fellowship for Electrical Sciences of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1998-2000) and the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (2001-2003, 2011, 2012). He is a Fellow of IEEE, INAE, IET, VEDS, IE, and IETE. Prof. Kartikeyan served as a member of the Vacuum Electronics Technical Committee of IEEE Electron Devices Society (IEEE-EDS- VETC) during 2018-2021. He is serving VETC as a corresponding member since 2022. He is on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT). Prof. Kartikeyan is the principal author of 5 books and he has published more than 350 research papers in peer reviewed transactions/journals and conferences. His current research interests include high power millimeter wave and terahertz sources; RF Circuits, Antennas and Systems; Metamaterials and fractals; Computational Electromagnetics; and RF and microwave design with soft computing and machine learning techniques.
Prof. Kartikeyan held various administrative positions at IITR. He served as the Associate Dean - Faculty Affairs, Chairman - Library Advisory Committee, Academic Chairperson - Electronics & ICT Academy, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Head of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, and Head of the Institute Computer Center.
As the Director of IIITDM Kancheepuram his efforts will be to improve the research ambience of the institute and to facilitate a learning environment where problem solving leads to product development. He hopes the Institute will strive to be a premier institution for design based engineering education with its unique curriculum and efforts to collaborate with industry and research organizations.

Prof.D.V.L.N. Somayajulu
Professor (HAG)-NITW &
Director (Additional Charge)
IIIT Sri City, Chittoor
I have around 35(thirty-five) years of experience in the profession of Teaching, Research, Administration, Consultancy and Outreach activities.
Currently, I am working as Director for Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kurnool since February 2019. Prior to joining Kurnool as Director, I served as Chair -Electronics & ICT Academy sponsored by MeitY GoI at NIT, Warangal for 4 years during 2015-2019 and Professor of CSE at NIT, Warangal during 2006-2015.
I also served as Director (in-charge) at IIITDM Kancheepuram for 14 months from August 2021
- Provided leadership as Dean (Academics) at NIT, Warangal coordinating with 200 faculty for two years during 2014-16.
- Established E&ICT Academy with funding of Rs 25 plus crores during 2015 -2019 from MeitY, GoI. Initiated joint industry programme on AIML for industry professionals under my Chairmanship of E&ICT Academy during my tenure (2015-19) and generated Rs 8.54 crores revenue. MietY is judged as one of the best -academy because of two factors organizing a large number of training programmes and generation of large amounts of revenue through industry sponsored courses.
- Served as Head of the Department of CSE twice and all our programmes of the department were accredited for six years.
- Imparted training on AIML, Outcome Based Educations, ICT tools for engineering and degree college teachers which enabled the strengthening of capability of young faculty among several states.
- Provided the administrative leadership to the newly setup IIITDM Kurnool as founding director and lead the several infrastructure projects and closely monitored the timely completion of four hostels, one sports facility, one academic block, labs of various departments, faculty quarters, and Indoor Sports stadium.
- Strengthened the Institute by recruiting 32 new regular faculty, 18 non-faculty, 1 registrar in different cadres and 10+ Adjunct Professors to smoothly execute all the academic programmes.
- Introduced, a new programme B Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in the academic year 2020 with intake of 70, resulted in 96% admissions and enhanced UG strength to 240.
- Established Samsung Innovation Campus in association with SAMUNSG Research Institute Bangalore under their CSR to impart training on cutting edge technologies in the areas of CSE and ECE, which enabled the students to get exposure on latest technologies that has resulted in good placements. Also successfully completed eight Samsung research worklets with joint mentoring, which made the porgramme has win-win for both faculty and students.
- Taken up an additional responsibility of leading IIITDM Kancheepuram for more than a year (14 months during August 2021 to October 2022) and recruited 24 regular faculty in different cadres and 12 internal faculty got promotions in process which boosted their morale.
- Successfully coordinated the 10th Convocation of the IIITDM Kancheepuram for which the honorable Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman was the chief guest and she awarded medals for students and played key role in placing IIITDM Kancheepuram in NIRF list.
- Received appreciation from several organizations including Best Research award, Best teacher award, lift time achievement award, and best leadership award and Best Technical Institution 2022 award from MSME in the last 10 years in addition to good feedback from the students.
My Academic, Administrative, Research, Outreach and Awards
Academics- Educational Qualifications: Ph.D(IITD), M.Tech (IITKGP), M.Sc(IITKGP) and AMIE(CE)
- Teaching Experience: 32 + Years
- Developed e-content as part of Pedagogy Research Project in association with IIT KGP with project funding of Rs 220 lakhs (2007-14)
- Actively used Formative assessment tools such as plickers in the classroom teaching and trained several teachers.
- Introduced courses on Fundamentals of Data Science, Data Analytics, Database Security and Privacy Preserving Data publishing courses for M Tech and Ph.D students.
- Established mini-Centre of Excellence on Big Data with grant of Rs 80 lakhs (2006-08).
- Developed e-content on Data Warehousing as part of NMEICT pilot project.
- Developed videos on DBSMS, DSS, Data Warehousing and Mining as pat JKC sponsored by APSCHE, Hyderabad.
Research and Development
- No of External Sponsored Research Projects:12
- No of Consultancy Projects completed: 05;
- Ph.D Guidance: 13 (completed: 13; on-going: 01)
- No of Papers published / Presented: 55
- Invited by Microsoft Seattle USA for Faculty Research Summit in 2006
- Organizing Chair for 8th IEEE Intl Conf. on T4E 2015
- Organizing Chair for BDA 2015
- Organizing Secretary for 23rd Indian Engineering Congress in 2008.
- Executed Three major projects with total fund of around 27.5 crores
- Chief Patron for CICT 2020
- PMU Chief Investigator for UAS and Drones with sanctioned budget of Rs 89 crores.
Administrative Experience
- Chair, Electronics & ICT Academy during 2015-19.
- Dean (Academic) during 2014-2016.
- Head, CSE during 2012-2014 and 2007-2010, Head, Computer Centre during 2006-2007, MIS In-charge during 2006-2010 and NMEICT Institute level Coordinator (2006-10).
- Library Advisory committee member during 2012-2013.
- ISEA PI in Phase I and Co-PI in phase II and alleviated from PI to Resource Centre during 2006-15.
- MIS coordinator for TEQIP II project, NBA Evaluation Expert Member,
- NBA coordinator for M Tech CSIS Programme. During 2007-15.
- BRICS Thematic Group Coordinator for CSIS theme.
- DAC UG and DAC PG Member in Dept of CSE
- As Director-IIITDM Kurnool:
- Conducted teaching and non-teaching staff recruitments 7 times successfully and added 40 plus regular staff in various cadres.
- Occupied several buildings and establishing laboratories with industry support.
- Signed MoU with Univ of Agdar, Norway to attract PG and dual degree students.
- Recognized as PMU and Participating Institute on UAS and Drones along with 30 CFTIs/Centres with funding of approximately 89 crores.
- Signing MoU with IIM Visakhapatnam to offer Management certificate and MBA degrees for graduate students from academic year 2022-23.
- Samsung Innovation Campus is established to impart training on AI, ML, IoT and Big Data technologies for graduate students.
- MoE has sanctioned Rs 256 Crores for completing the construction works. All buildings are ready to use in full-fledged manner from next academic year.
- Received around Rs 4 crores worth research projects.
- Served as Director – IIITDM Kancheepuram for 14 months during 2021-22. (Recruited 36 faculty, Girls scholarships and secured NIRF rank in addition to routine administration works).
- Organized 222 FDPs/Workshops trained around 9000 faculty since 2015 under E&ICT Academy-NITW.
- NPIU Expert to impart training on OBE under TEQIP III.
- NMEICT Institute Level Coordinator for seven years.
- Bharat Education Life Time Achievement Award in 2022 in recognition of exemplary contribution in Research and Education sector by Briano-Vision.
- Best Technical Education -2022 award from MSME in 2023
- Best Faculty Award from NITWAA in 2018
- Best Engineering Research Award from NITWAA in 2016.
- Best Engineer Year of the award from IE(I) in 2007
- Appreciation award from IEEE Computer Society in recognition of excellent leadership in organizing 7th IEEE T4E 2015 at NITW.
- NEQIP Mentor for 3 Colleges in NE during 2014-2016.
- Established strong relationship with industries and invited many adjunct faculty to the department
- Organized Finishing School for unemployed engineering graduates consecutively in three years.
- Organized Dean (Academic) workshop for all NITs as per Kakdokar Committee recommendations.
- NPIU Technical Committee Member during 2009-2012 (nominated by MHRD)
- Performance Auditor for 3 Colleges under TEQIP II project during 2012-2015.
- NBA Expert Committee Member, AICTE GPAT Observer.
- BOS Member for Several universities and colleges